Saturday, July 25, 2009

Well, here it is...

I don't have many pretenses about whether or not people would be interested in reading what I write on a 'blog'. To speak frankly, I can't stand to read things on the internet (or on a computer, for that matter) for more than 1 hour on a good day. Therefore, I tend to think of this as more of an experiment, something that I indulge myself with. Yet, it is an indulgence unlike other forms of writing in that on the internet, we have a theoretically unlimited audience, people just have to know where to look. & have to want to look. Thus, my ambivalence about starting such a venture is explained: why would I write in a medium that I scarcely want to read to begin with? It is my project, then, to navigate this ambiguity so as to arrive at some sort of understanding of these new-fangled technologies (I hate how no one says 'new-fangled' anymore, its old-fashioned, I suppose). Who knows what kinds of veiled truths about reality might turn up? I certainly don't. This might amount to a repository of rantings, musings & theories that just don't quite cut the mustard enough to make it into journals or private correspondance, but that remains to be seen as well.

The only other thing that strikes me about blogs is the word blog itself. Its just not an appetizing word to say. It remindes me a lot of bleh when I say it. What would compell someone to write on something that sounds similar to bleh? Surely a less academic question but an important one to ponder none-the-less.

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